Total de términos
Términos con la letra A: 670
- Atomic absorption spectroscopy USE Absorption spectroscopy
- Abalone fisheries USE Gastropod fisheries
- Abdomen
- Abiotic diseases USE Environmental diseases
- Abiotic factors
- Ablation
- Abnormalities
- Aboriginal fishing USE Indigenous fishing
- Actual age USE Absolute age
- Absolute food deficiency USE Starvation
- Absolute humidity
- Absolute velocity USE Velocity
- Absolute vorticity
- Absorption (chemistry) USE Sorption
- Absorption (light) USE Light absorption
- Absorptance
- Absorption (food) USE Food absorption
- Absorption (physics)
- Acoustic wave absorption USE Sound absorption
- Absorption coefficient
- Absorption loss USE Transmission loss
- Absorption spectra
- Abstracts
- abundancia USE Abundance
- Abundance (chemical) USE Chemical composition
- abundancia poblacional USE Population number
- Abyssal circulation
- Abyssal cones USE Deep-sea fans
- Abyssal currents
- Abyssal zone
- Abyssal hills
- Abyssal plains
- Abyssobenthic zone
- Abyssopelagic zone
- Acceleration
- Accelerometers
- Acceptability
- Acceptance tests
- Access
- Accessory respiratory organs USE Respiratory organs
- Accident prevention
- Accidents
- Acclimation
- Adaptations (physiological) USE Acclimatization
- Accommodation
- Accreting plate boundaries USE Diverging plate boundaries
- Aggradation USE Accretion
- acumulación USE Accumulation
- Accumulation of ions USE Ion accumulation
- Accumulation of sediments USE Sedimentation
- Accuracy
- aceite de pescado USE Fish oils
- Acetate
- Acetone
- Acetylcholine USE Neurotransmitters
- Acetylene USE Ethyne
- Acid rain
- Acidification
- Acidity
- ácidos grasos USE Fatty acids
- ácidos grasos polinsaturados USE Polyunsaturated fatty acids
- ácidos nucleicos USE Nucleic acids
- Acids
- Acoustic models
- Acoustic arrays
- Acoustic insulation
- Acoustic beacons
- Acoustic cavitation USE Cavitation
- Acoustic channels USE Sound channels
- Acoustic command systems
- Acoustic current meters
- Acoustic data
- Acoustic detection USE Sonar detection
- Acoustic systems USE Acoustic equipment
- Acoustic distance measurement USE Echo ranging
- Acoustic doppler sonar USE Doppler sonar
- Acoustic emission
- Acoustic emission testing USE Nondestructive testing
- Acoustic radiators USE Sound generators
- Acoustic holography
- Acoustic sensing USE Acoustic imagery
- Acoustic images
- Acoustic impedance
- Acoustic intensity USE Sound intensity
- Acoustic measurement USE Sound measurement
- Acoustic navigation
- Acoustic pingers USE Pingers
- Acoustic properties
- Acoustic release mechanisms USE Release mechanisms
- Acoustic sizing techniques USE Fish sizing
- Acoustic spectra USE Acoustic spectra
- Acoustic stratigraphy USE Seismic stratigraphy
- Acoustic surveys USE Echo surveys
- Acoustic surveys (atmosphere) USE Sodar
- Acoustic tags USE Sonic tags
- Acoustic telemetry
- Acoustic tomography
- Acoustic tracking USE Tracking
- Acoustic tracking systems
- Acoustic transducers
- Acoustic transponders
- Acoustic wave attenuation USE Sound attenuation
- Acoustic wave diffraction USE Sound diffraction
- Acoustic wave dispersion USE Sound dispersion
- Acoustic wave propagation USE Sound propagation
- Acoustic wave reflection USE Sound reflection
- Acoustic wave refraction USE Sound refraction
- Acoustic wave scattering USE Sound scattering
- Acoustic wave transmission USE Sound transmission
- Acoustic waves USE Sound waves
- acústica USE Acoustics
- Acquisition
- Acronyms
- Acrylic acid
- Acrylics
- Actin
- Actinide compounds
- Actinides
- Actinium
- Actinometers
- Activated sludge USE Sludge
- Activation analysis
- Active margins
- Active sonar
- Activity coefficient USE Thermodynamic activity
- Activity rhythms USE Activity patterns
- Aquariology
- Agreements USE International agreements
- Aquiculture USE Aquaculture
- Aquaculture economics
- acuicultura marina USE Marine aquaculture
- Acyclic hydrocarbons
- Adaptations
- Adaptive colouration USE Mimicry
- Additional catch USE By catch
- Additives
- Adhesion
- Adhesives
- Adiabatic processes
- Adiabatic temperature gradient USE Temperature gradients
- aditivos en alimentos USE Food additives
- Adjacent seas USE Marginal seas
- administración de ecosistemas USE Ecosystem management
- administración de pesquerías USE Fishery management
- administración de zona costera USE Coastal zone management
- administración del recurso USE Resource management
- Administration USE Management
- Adrenal glands
- Adsorption
- Adults
- Advection
- Arctic sea smoke USE Fog
- Advertisements USE Publicity material
- Aeolian deposits USE deposits
- Aeolian dust USE Eolian dust
- Aeolian processes USE Eolian processes
- Aeolian transport USE Eolian transport
- Aeration
- Air exposure
- Aerial photographs
- Aerial photography
- Aerial surveys
- Aerobic bacteria
- Aerobic conditions USE Oxic conditions
- Aerobic respiration
- Aerobic sediments USE Oxic sediments
- Aerodynamics
- Aeromagnetic surveys
- Atmospheric physics
- Atmospheric aerosols USE Aerosols
- Aestivation
- Aetiology
- Afferent nerves USE Nerves
- Agar
- Agarose
- Age of tide USE Age
- Age (organisms) USE Biological age
- Age at recruitment
- Age composition
- Age determination
- Age determination (earth sciences) USE Geochronology
- Age groups
- Age length relationships USE Growth curves
- Aging
- Aging (biological) USE Biological aging
- Agents
- Ageostrophic flow
- Agglutinins
- Aggregates
- Aggregation
- Aggregations (ecological) USE Ecological aggregations
- Aggregations (organisms) USE Organism aggregations
- Aggressive mimicry USE Aggressive behaviour
- Agonistic behaviour
- Agricultural pollution
- Agricultural runoff
- Agriculture
- Agropisciculture
- agua de enfriamiento USE Cooling water
- aguas costeras USE Coastal waters
- aguas interiores USE Inland waters
- ahumado USE Curing
- Aid
- Air
- Air bladder USE Swim bladder
- Air breathing fish
- Air bubbles
- Air compressors USE Compressors
- Air conditioning
- Atmospheric pollution USE Air pollution
- Air cushion vehicles USE Hovercraft
- Air flow over land
- Air flow over water
- Air guns
- Air masses
- Atmospheric motion
- Air pumps USE Pumps
- Air sampling
- Air temperature
- Air transportation
- Air-ice interface
- Air-sea coupling
- Air-water exchanges
- Air-sea interaction
- Atmospheric boundary layer
- Air-water interface
- Air-water temperature difference
- Aircraft equipment USE Airborne equipment
- Airborne sensing
- Aircraft
- Airports
- Airy waves USE Linear waves
- Alanine
- Alarm substances
- Alarm systems
- Albacore fisheries USE Tuna fisheries
- Albedo
- albinismo USE Albinism
- Albumins
- Alcohols
- Aldehydes
- Aldrin
- Algae
- Algiculture USE Algal culture
- Aquatic plant resources USE Botanical resources
- Algal blooms
- Algal mats
- Algal settlements
- algas marinas USE Seaweeds
- Algicides
- Alginates
- Alginic acid
- Algologists
- Algology
- Algorithms
- Alicyclic hydrocarbons
- Alien species USE Introduced species
- alimentación USE Feeding
- Artificial feeding
- alimentación selectiva USE Selective feeding
- Alimentary organs
- Alkanes USE Saturated hydrocarbons
- Alkali basalts
- Alkali metal compounds
- Alkali metals
- Alkaline earth metal
- Alkaline earth metal compounds
- Alkaline earth metals
- Alkalinity
- Alkaloids
- Alkenes
- Alkynes
- Allelles USE Alleles
- Allelopathy
- Allergies USE Allergic reactions
- Alligator culture USE Reptile culture
- Allocation systems
- Allochthonous deposits
- alometría USE Allometry
- Allopatric populations
- Allowable catch USE Total allowable catch
- Alloys
- Allozymes
- Alluvium USE Alluvial deposits
- Alluvial fans
- Alluvial terraces
- almacenamiento USE Storage
- Almanacs
- Alpha spectroscopy USE Spectroscopic techniques
- Alternate reproduction
- Alternative name USE Synonymy
- Altimeters
- Altimetry
- Altitude USE Height
- Aluminum USE Aluminium
- Aluminium compounds
- Ambient noise
- ambiente bentónico USE Benthic environment
- ambiente de estuarios USE Estuarine environment
- ambiente intermareal USE Intertidal environment
- ambiente intersticial USE Interstitial environment
- ambiente marino USE Marine environment
- ambientes salobres USE Brackishwater environment
- Americium
- Americium isotopes
- Amination
- Amines
- Amino acid sequence
- aminoácidos USE Amino acids
- Ammocetes USE Fish larvae
- Ammonium salts USE Ammonia
- Ammonium compounds
- Ammonium chloride
- Amoebocytes
- Amperometric titration USE Titration
- Amphibian culture USE Frog culture
- Amphibiotic species
- Amphibious vehicles
- Amphiboles
- Amphibolite facies
- Amphibolites
- Amphidromic systems
- Amphihaline species
- Anadromous species
- Amphihaline thalassotocous species USE Catadromous species
- Amplitude
- Anabolism
- Anadromous migrations
- Anemia USE Anaemia
- Anaerobic bacteria
- Anoxic conditions
- Anaerobic digestion
- Anaerobic respiration
- Anoxic sediments
- Anaerobiosis
- Anesthesia USE Anaesthesia
- Anesthetics USE Anaesthetics
- Analcite
- análisis bioquímico USE Biochemical analysis
- análisis de agua USE Water analysis
- análisis de cohorte USE Cohort analysis
- análisis de costos USE Cost analysis
- análisis de población virtual USE Virtual population analysis
- análisis de regresión USE Regression analysis
- análisis de sedimentos USE Sediment analysis
- análisis de series de tiempo USE Time series analysis
- análisis de varianza USE Variance analysis
- análisis económico USE Economic analysis
- análisis espacial USE Spatial analysis
- análisis estadístico USE Statistical analysis
- análisis gráfico USE Graphical analysis
- análisis microbiológico USE Microbiological analysis
- análisis multivariado USE Multivariate analysis
- análisis químico USE Chemical analysis
- Analog records
- Analog models
- Analogs
- Analysis
- Analytical errors
- Analytical techniques
- Anatomy
- Anatomical structures
- Anchor stations USE Cruise stations
- Anchorages
- Anchoring
- Anchors
- Anchovy fisheries USE Clupeoid fisheries
- Ancient shorelines USE Strandlines
- and its communities
- Andalusite
- Andesite
- Androgenesis
- Androgens USE Sex hormones
- Anelasticity USE Elasticity
- Anemometers
- Angling
- Angular distribution
- Angular momentum
- Anhydrite
- Annuli USE Growth rings
- Appendages USE Animal appendages
- Associations (ecological) USE Ecological associations
- Animal behaviour USE Behaviour
- Animal body regions USE Body regions
- Animal communication
- Aquatic animal diseases USE Animal diseases
- Artificial feed USE feeding by man
- Animal fossils
- Animal growth
- Animal head USE Head
- Artificial manure USE Manure
- Animal metabolism
- Animal migrations USE Migrations
- Animal morphology
- Animal navigation
- Animal nutrition
- Animal oil extraction
- Animal organs
- Animal orientation USE Orientation behaviour
- Animal pathology USE Pathology
- Animal physiology
- Animal plankton USE Zooplankton
- Animal populations
- Aquatic animal products USE Animal products
- Animal reproductive organs
- Animal wastes USE Organic wastes
- animals
- Aquatic fauna USE Aquatic animals
- Anion exchange USE Ion exchange
- Anions
- Anisotropic rocks
- Anisotropy
- Annotation USE Bibliographic information
- Annual
- Annual range
- Annual reports
- Annual variations
- Anodes
- Anodic stripping voltammetry USE Stripping analysis
- Anomalies
- Anoxia
- Anoxic waters USE Anoxic basins
- Autonomic nervous system
- Antagonism
- Antarctic polar front (ocean) USE Antarctic convergence
- Antarctic polar front (atmospheric) USE Antarctic front
- Arctic waters USE Polar waters
- Antarctic zone
- Antennulae USE Antennae
- Anthropogenic effects USE Man-induced effects
- Anthropogenic factors
- Anti-submarine warfare USE Undersea warfare
- Antibiotics
- Antibiotic resistance USE Control resistance
- Antitoxins USE Antibodies
- Anticholinesterases USE Cholinesterase inhibitors
- Anticlines
- Anticoagulants
- Anticorrosion material USE Corrosion control
- Anticyclones
- Anticyclonic rings USE Current rings
- Anticyclonic gyres USE Gyres
- Anticyclonic motion
- Antidunes
- Antifouling substances
- Antifreezes
- Antifungals USE Fungicides
- Antigens
- Antihelminthic agents
- Antimony
- Antimony isotopes
- Antioxidants
- Antiparasitic agents
- Antiprotozoal agents
- Antiseptics USE Disinfectants
- Antitumour agents
- Antiviral agents
- Anus
- anzuelos USE Hooks
- aparatos para coleccionar plancton USE Plankton collecting devices
- Apatite
- Aphotic zone
- Ascospores USE Spores
- Application USE Utilization
- Appraisal USE Evaluation
- Appropriate technology
- Approximation
- Aquaculture development
- Aquaculture effluents
- Aquaculture engineering
- Aquaculture industries USE Aquaculture enterprises
- Aquaculture equipment
- Aquaculture facilities
- Aquaculture regulations
- Aquaculture products
- Aquaculture sites USE Site selection
- Aquaculture statistics
- Aquaculture systems
- Aquaculture techniques
- Aquaculturists
- Aquarium systems USE Aquaria
- Aquarium culture
- Aquarium fish USE Ornamental fish
- Aquatic biologists USE Biologists
- Aquatic biology USE Hydrobiology
- aves acuáticas USE Aquatic birds
- Aquatic communities
- Aquatic drugs
- Aquatic ecology USE Ecology
- Aquatic environment
- Aquatic habitat USE Habitat
- Aquatic insects
- Aquatic living resources USE Living resources
- Aquatic mammals
- Aquatic natural resources USE Natural resources
- Aquatic organisms
- Aquatic plant culture USE Plant culture
- Aquatic weed utilization USE Plant utilization
- Aquatic plants
- Aquatic pollution USE Water pollution
- Aquatic reptiles
- Aquatic sciences
- Aquatic weed control USE Plant control
- Aquatic weeds USE Weeds
- Arabinose
- Arachidonic acid
- Aragonite
- Archeology USE Archaeology
- Archipelagoes
- Archives
- Archivists USE Librarians
- Arcs (island) USE Island arcs
- Arctic zone
- Area
- áreas protegidas USE Protected areas
- Arenites
- Argillaceous deposits
- Arginine
- Argon
- Argon isotopes
- Arid environments
- Arkshell fisheries USE Clam fisheries
- Aroma USE Organoleptic properties
- Aromatics
- Aromatic hydrocarbons
- arrastre USE Trawling
- arrastre de fondo USE Bottom trawling
- arrastreros USE Trawlers
- Arrays
- Arsenates
- Arsenic
- Arsenic compounds
- Artemia culture USE Brine shrimp culture
- Arteries USE Blood vessels
- artes de pesca USE Fishing gear
- Articulated structures USE Articulated columns
- Artificial aeration
- Artificial spawning USE Induced breeding
- Artificial habitats USE Underwater habitats
- Artificial harbours
- Artificial intelligence
- Artificial islands
- Artificial lakes
- Artificial rearing USE Rearing
- Artificial reefs
- Artificial satellites USE Satellites
- Artificial sea grass
- Artificial seawater
- Artificial seaweed
- Artificial shelters USE Shelters
- Artificial spawning grounds
- Artificial substrata
- Artificial upwelling
- Artisanal aquaculture USE Small scale aquaculture
- Artisanal fishing
- Artisanal whaling
- Asbestos
- Ascorbic acid USE Vitamin C
- ASCP USE Single cell proteins
- Asdic USE Sonar
- aseguramiento de la calidad USE Quality assurance
- Aseismic margins USE Passive margins
- Aseismic ridges
- Aseismic zones
- Asexual reproduction
- Ash content
- Ash layers
- Ashes
- asociaciones USE Assemblages
- Aspartic acid
- aspectos legales USE Legal aspects
- aspectos socioeconómicos USE Socioeconomic aspects
- aspectos sociológicos USE Sociological aspects
- Asphalt
- Asphyxia
- Assembling USE Construction
- Assimilation (food) USE Food conversion
- Associated species
- Association constants
- Associations USE Organizations
- Astaciculture USE Crayfish culture
- Asthenosphere
- Astronomical tides
- Astronomy
- Atlases
- Atmosphere (earth) USE Atmosphere (earth)
- Atmosphere (life support) USE Life support systems
- Atmosphere (planetary) USE Planetary atmospheres
- Atmosphere evolution
- Atmosphere-ocean system USE Ocean-atmosphere system
- Atmospheric composition USE Atmospheric chemistry
- Atmospheric circulation
- Atmospheric conditions USE Weather
- Atmospheric convection
- Atmospheric convergences
- Atmospheric depressions
- Atmospheric diffusion
- Atmospheric disturbances
- Aurora USE Atmospheric electricity
- Atmospheric fallout USE Fallout
- Atmospheric forcing
- Atmospheric fronts
- Atmospheric gases
- Atmospheric optical
- Atmospheric optical phenomena
- Atmospheric particulates
- Atmospheric polar fronts USE Polar fronts
- Atmospheric precipitations
- Atmospheric pressure
- Atmospheric radiation USE Downward long wave radiation
- Atmospheric sciences
- Atmospheric tides
- Atmospheric turbidity USE Haze
- Atmospheric turbulence
- Atoll lagoons
- Atolls
- Atomic energy USE Nuclear energy
- Atomic fluorescence spectroscopy USE Fluorescence spectroscopy
- Atomic physics USE Nuclear physics
- Atomic power plants USE Plants
- Attachment (biological) USE Biological attachment
- Attachment (lampreys) USE Lamprey attachment
- Attachment (parasites) USE Parasite attachment
- Attachment organs
- Attenuance
- Attenuation
- Attenuation (light) USE Light attenuation
- Attenuation (water waves) USE Wave attenuation
- Attenuation coefficient USE Extinction coefficient
- Attracting techniques
- Audio recordings
- Audiovisual materials
- Audition
- Auditory organs
- Auditory stimuli
- Augite
- Austausch coefficients USE Exchange coefficients
- Autecology
- Authigenic sediments USE Authigenic minerals
- Authigenesis
- Autobiographies USE Biographies
- Autochthonous deposits
- Autocorrelation functions USE Autocorrelation
- Autolysis
- Automated cartography
- Automated data processing USE Data processing
- Automated techniques USE Automated recording
- Automation
- Autopilots
- Autoradiography
- Autotomy
- Autotrophy
- Autumn
- Auxins
- Availability
- Available potential energy USE Potential energy
- aves marinas USE Marine birds
- Avian physiology
- Avitaminosis USE Vitamin deficiencies
- Avoidance reactions
- Axenic culture
- Axons USE Neurons
- Azimuth
- Azines