Total de términos
Términos con la letra G: 311
- Gabbros
- Gadoid fisheries
- Gadolinium
- Galatheid fisheries USE Squat lobster fisheries
- Gale force winds
- Gales USE Storms
- Gall bladder
- Gallium
- Game fish
- Game theory
- Gametes
- Gametogenesis
- Gametophytes
- Gamma rays USE Gamma radiation
- Gamma spectroscopy
- Globulins
- Ganglion USE Ganglia
- Gangrenes USE Necroses
- Garbage USE Litter
- Garnet
- Gases
- Gas bladders USE Swim bladder
- Gas embolism USE Bubble disease
- Gas chromatography
- Gas condensate fields
- Gas condensates
- Gas transfer USE Gas exchange
- Gas fields
- Gas flaring
- Gathering lines
- Gas hydrates
- Gas industry USE Oil and gas industry
- Gas oil separation
- Gas processing
- Gas production
- Gas seepages
- Gas solubility
- Gas terminals
- Gas turbation
- Gas water separation
- Gas well blowouts USE Blowouts
- Gas-oil interface USE Oil-gas interface
- Gastric evacuation
- Gastrointestinal system USE Digestive system
- Gastropod fisheries
- Gauges
- Gaussian distribution
- Gazetteers
- Gear construction
- Gear selectivity
- Gear handling
- Gear materials
- Gear research
- Geiger counters
- Geomagnetic electrokinetograph USE GEK
- Gelbstoff
- Gels
- Gemmules
- Gender USE Sex
- Gene banks
- Gene expression
- Gene mutations USE Mutations
- Gene pool
- Gene products
- Genecology
- General circulation (atmospheric) USE Atmospheric circulation
- General circulation (oceans) USE Ocean circulation
- Generation (sound waves) USE Sound generation
- Generation (water waves) USE specify type of wave
- Generators USE Electric generators
- Genes
- Genetic abnormalities
- Genetic variation USE Genetic diversity
- Genetic selection USE Genetic drift
- Genetic engineering USE Biotechnology
- Genomes
- Genetic isolation
- Genetic markers
- Genetic polymorphism USE Biopolymorphism
- Genetics
- genética poblacional USE Population genetics
- GMOs USE Genetically Modified Organisms
- Genotypes
- Geochemical cycle
- Geochemical surveys
- Geochemistry
- Geochemistry Geochemistry
- Geochronology
- Geochronometry
- Geoclines
- Geodesy
- Geodetic coordinates
- Geodynamics USE Tectonophysics
- Geographical coordinates
- Geographical distribution
- Geographical exploration
- Geographical isolation
- Geographical reference systems
- Geography
- Geoid
- Geoid anomalies
- Geological time scale USE Geological time
- Geophysical maps USE Geological maps
- Geological collections
- Geological correlation
- Geological data
- Geological deposition USE Sedimentation
- Geological distribution
- Geological domes USE Structural domes
- Geological equipment
- Geological surveys
- Geological faults USE Faults
- Geological hazards
- Geological history
- Geophysical institutions USE Geological institutions
- Geological oceanography USE Marine geology
- Geological samples
- Geological sections
- Geological structures
- Geologists
- Geology
- Geomagnetic field
- Geomagnetic reversals USE Magnetic reversals
- Geomagnetic surveys USE Magnetic exploration
- Geomagnetism
- Geomorphology
- Geophones USE Seismometers
- Geophysical data
- Geophysical equipment
- Geophysical methods USE Geophysical exploration
- Geophysical surveys
- Geophysics
- Geopotential USE Dynamic height
- Geopotential anomaly USE Dynamic height anomaly
- Geopotential topography USE Dynamic topography
- Geosensing
- Geostrophic flow
- Geostrophic equilibrium
- Geostrophic method
- Geostrophic volume transport USE Geostrophic transport
- Geostrophic winds
- Geostrophy
- Geosynclines
- Geotechnical data
- Geotechnical properties USE Sediment properties
- Geotechnology
- Geotectonics USE Tectonics
- Geothermal alteration USE Hydrothermal alteration
- Geothermal data
- Geothermal energy
- Geothermal equipment
- Geothermal exploration
- Geothermal fields USE Hydrothermal fields
- Geothermal fluids USE Hydrothermal solutions
- Geothermal gradient
- Geothermal measurement
- Geothermal power
- Geothermal properties
- Geothermal springs
- Geotropism
- Gross energy requirement USE Production cost
- Germanium
- Germanium compounds
- Germanium isotopes
- Germination
- Gestation USE Pregnancy
- Geysers USE Hot springs
- Giant waves
- Gibberellins USE Phytohormones
- Gutting
- Gibbsite
- Gills
- Gill disease
- Gillnets
- Gillnetters
- Gillraker counts
- Glacial sedimentation
- Glacial-marine sediments USE Glacial deposits
- Glacial epoch USE Pleistocene
- Glacial erosion
- Glacial erratics
- Glacial features
- Glacial geology
- Glacial lakes
- Glacial periods USE Ice ages
- Glacial transport
- Glaciation
- Glaciers
- Glands
- Glass
- Glass-reinforced plastics
- Glauconite
- Glitter
- GPS USE Global Positioning Systems
- Global radiation USE Solar radiation
- Global tectonics USE Plate tectonics
- Global warming
- Globalization
- Globigerina ooze USE Foraminiferal ooze
- Gloria
- Glossaries
- Glucosamine
- Glucose
- Glutamic acid
- Glutathione USE Coenzymes
- Glycerol
- Glycine
- Glycogen
- Glycolic acid
- Glycolipids USE Complex lipids
- Glycoproteins
- Glycosides
- Goethite
- Gold
- Gold compounds
- Golgi complex USE Golgi apparatus
- Gonadotropic hormones USE Sex hormones
- Gonads
- Gonadosomatic index
- Goods USE Products
- Government policy USE Policies
- Governments
- Graben
- Grabs
- Grades USE Quality
- Gradient currents
- Gradients
- gradientes de salinidad USE Salinity gradients
- Grading devices USE Grading
- Grafting
- Grafts USE Transplants
- Grain flow
- Grain motion USE Particle motion
- Grain orientation
- Grain packing
- Grain properties
- Grain shape
- Grain size distribution USE Grain size
- Gramophone records USE Audio recordings
- Granite
- Granitic layer USE Sial
- Grants
- Granulometry
- Graphics
- Graphic methods
- Graphical analysis
- Graphite
- Graphs
- Grappling gear
- grasas USE Fats
- Gravel
- Gravel pits USE Pits
- Gravel waves
- Gravity meters
- Gravimetric techniques
- Gravimetry
- Gravitation
- Gravity field
- Gravity
- Gravity anomalies
- Gravity charts
- Gravity corers
- Gravity corrections
- Gravity data
- Gravity effects
- Gravity methods USE Gravity exploration
- Gravity induced flow USE Density flow
- Gravity platforms
- Gravity surveys
- Gravity waves
- Graywacke
- Grazing
- Green's function
- Greenhouse effect
- Greenschist facies
- Greenschists
- Greigite
- Groynes
- Groundfish USE Demersal fish
- Ground motion
- Ground swell USE Swell
- Ground water
- Groundings
- Groundwater pollution
- Group effects
- Group velocity
- Grouper culture USE Fish culture
- Grouper fisheries USE Percoid fisheries
- Grouting
- Growing ponds
- Growth
- Growth curves
- Growth rate
- Growth regulators
- Growth rings
- Guano
- Guano birds
- Guide lines
- Guiding devices
- Gulf stream rings USE Current rings
- Gustation USE Taste
- Gusts
- Guyed towers
- Guyots
- Gynogenesis
- Gypsum
- Gyres
- Gyrocompasses
- Gyroscopes
- Gyroscopic waves USE Inertial waves