Total de términos
Términos con la letra M: 508
- Machinery
- Mackerel fisheries
- Microbenthos USE Benthos
- macrobentos USE Macrobenthos
- Macrophages
- Macrophytes
- Macroplankton USE Zooplankton
- Maturation USE Sexual maturity
- Mafics USE Mafic magma
- Magmatism USE Magma
- Magma reservoirs USE Magma chambers
- Magnesite
- Magnesium
- Magnesium compounds
- Magnesium isotopes
- Magnesium silicates
- Magnesium sulphates
- Magnetic anomalies
- Magnetic anomaly charts
- Magnetic charts
- Magnetic compasses USE Compasses
- Magnetic core orientation USE Core orientation
- Magnetic data
- Magnetic variations
- Magnetic inclination
- Magnetic surveys USE Magnetic exploration
- Magnetic field (earth) USE Geomagnetic field
- Magnetic field elements
- Magnetic fields
- Magnetic intensity
- Magnetic particle testing USE Nondestructive testing
- Magnetic properties
- Magnetic remanence USE Remanent magnetization
- Magnetic reversals
- Magnetic spherules USE Cosmic spherules
- Magnetostratigraphy
- Magnetic susceptibility
- Magnetic tape recordings
- Magnetic tapes
- Magnetism
- Magnetite
- Magnetometers
- Magnetotelluric surveys USE Magnetotelluric methods
- Magnets
- Maintenance and repair
- Major constituents
- Major elements
- Malacologists
- Malacology
- Malaria
- Males
- Malformations USE Abnormalities
- Marine mammals
- Mammal entanglement
- Mammalian physiology
- Mammalogists
- Mammalogy
- Mammals (marine) USE MAMMALS
- Mammals (aquatic) USE Aquatic mammals
- Man-induced effects
- Man-made disasters USE Accidents
- Man-made lakes USE Artificial lakes
- Management
- manejo de riesgo USE Risk management
- Manoeuvrability
- manganeso USE Manganese
- Manganese compounds
- Manganese deposits
- Manganese dioxide
- Manganese isotopes
- Manganese minerals
- Manganese nodules USE Ferromanganese nodules
- Manganese oxides
- Mangrove swamps
- Mangroves
- Manifolds
- manipulación del pescado USE Fish handling
- Manipulators
- Manned submersibles USE Submersibles
- Manned vehicles
- Mannose
- Manometers
- Manpower resources USE Human resources
- Mantle
- Mantle (earth) USE Earth mantle
- Mantle cavity
- Mantle convection
- Mantle plumes
- Manuals
- Manufacturing costs USE Operational costs
- Manurial salts USE Manure
- Manuscripts (historical) USE Documents
- Map graphics
- Map projections
- Mapping
- Maps
- marcación USE Tagging
- marea roja USE Red tides
- mareas USE Tides
- Marginal basins
- Marginal fields
- Marginal seas
- Margins (continental) USE Continental margins
- Margins (plate) USE Plate margins
- Marine aquaculture
- Marigram USE Tidal curves
- Marinas
- Marinated products USE Cured products
- Marine accidents
- Marine advection USE Advection
- Marine aerosols USE Aerosols
- Marine archaeology USE Archaeology
- Marine biological noise USE Biological noise
- Marine ecologists
- Marine ecology
- Marine biotelemetry USE Biotelemetry
- Marine birds
- Marine chemistry USE Chemical oceanography
- Marine crab culture USE Crab culture
- Marine crustaceans
- Marine engineering USE Ship technology
- Marine environment
- Marine fish
- Marine fisheries
- Marine fittings USE Shipboard equipment
- Marine foundations USE Foundations
- Marine geodesy
- Marine geology
- Marine insurance USE Insurance
- Marine invertebrates
- Meteorology
- moluscos marinos USE Marine molluscs
- Marine organisms
- Marine reserves USE Marine parks
- Marine physics USE Physical oceanography
- Marine plants
- Marine policy USE Ocean policy
- Marine pollution
- Marine propulsion USE Propulsion systems
- Marine regressions USE Regressions
- Marine resources
- Marine risers USE Riser pipes
- Marine sciences
- Marine scientists
- Marine sedimentation USE Sedimentation
- Marine shrimp culture USE Crustacean culture
- Marine snow
- Marine structures USE Offshore structures
- Marine technology
- Marine transgressions USE Transgressions
- Marine transportation
- Marine turtles USE Aquatic reptiles
- Marine water USE Sea water
- mariscos y pescado USE Seafood
- marismas USE Salt marshes
- Maritime legislation
- Maritime space USE Ocean space
- Maritime structures USE Hydraulic structures
- Marker buoys
- Market crab fisheries USE Crab fisheries
- Market management USE Production management
- Market prices USE Pricing
- Marketing research USE Market research
- Markets USE Marketing
- Marketing legislation USE Commercial legislation
- Marking
- Marl
- Marlstone
- Marsden squares
- Marshes
- masas de agua USE Water masses
- Mascaret USE Tidal bores
- Mass
- Mass culture
- Mass extinctions
- Mass gravity transport (sediments)
- matanzas de peces USE Fish kill
- Mass movement
- Mass spectroscopy
- Mass transfer
- Moisture transfer
- Mass transport (water waves) USE Mass transport
- Mass transport (water currents) USE Volume transport
- Mass transport velocity USE Wave drift velocity
- Masticatory stomach
- Masts
- materia orgánica particulada USE Particulate organic matter
- material orgánico USE Organic matter
- Materials
- Materials technology
- Materials testing
- Mathematical analysis
- modelos matemáticos USE Mathematical models
- Mathematical programming
- Mathematical tables USE Tables
- Mathematics
- Maximum entropy spectral analysis
- Maximum sustainable yield USE Potential yield
- Mean sea level
- Meandering
- Meandering (currents) USE Current meandering
- Meanders (current) USE Current rings
- Meanders (rivers) USE (RIVERS)
- Means USE resources
- Measuring techniques USE Measurement
- Micrometer calipers USE Measuring devices
- Mechanical bathythermographs USE bathythermographs
- Mechanical properties
- Mechanical stimuli
- Mechanics
- Mechanization
- Mechanoreceptors
- Median valleys
- Medicine
- Meetings USE Conferences
- Megalops
- Megaripples USE Sand waves
- Meiofauna USE Meiobenthos
- Meiosis
- Melanges
- Melanophores USE Chromatophores
- Melt water
- Melting
- Melting point
- Membranes
- Membranes (biological) USE Biological membranes
- Membranes (cells) USE Cell membranes
- Merchant ships
- Mercury
- Mercury compounds
- Mercury isotopes
- Meridional atmospheric
- Meridional atmospheric circuation
- Meridional atmospheric circulation
- Meridional distribution
- Meridional oceanic circulation
- Meristic counts
- Meromictic lakes
- Meromixis
- Meroplankton
- Mesh gauges
- Mesh regulations
- Mesh selectivity
- Mesocosms
- Mesopelagic zone
- Mid-ocean eddies USE Mesoscale eddies
- Mesoscale motion USE Mesoscale features
- Mesozoic
- Messengers (chemicals) USE Hormones
- Messinian events USE Messinian
- Metabolic disorders
- metabolismo USE Metabolism
- Metabolites
- Metal fatigue
- Metal ions
- metales pesados USE Heavy metals
- metales traza USE Trace metals
- Metalimnion
- Metals (chemical elements) USE Metals
- Metalliferous brines USE Hot brines
- Metalliferous sediments
- Metallogeny USE Metallogenesis
- Metallothioneins
- Metallurgy
- Metals (materials) USE Alloys
- Metamorphic facies
- Metamorphic rocks
- Metamorphism
- Metamorphosis
- Metasomatism
- Meteorological balloons USE Balloons
- Meteorological buoys USE Data buoys
- Meteorological charts
- Meteorological data
- Meteorological instruments
- Meteorological forcing USE Atmospheric forcing
- Meteorological fronts USE Atmospheric fronts
- Meteorological observations
- Meteorological satellites USE Scientific satellites
- Meteorological tables
- Meteorological tides
- Meteorologists
- Methane
- Methanogenesis
- Methionine
- metodología USE Methodology
- Methyl mercury
- métodos de captura USE Catching methods
- Mixing (water) USE Water mixing
- mezcla vertical USE Vertical mixing
- Micas
- Microorganisms
- Microbial pollution USE Microbial contamination
- Microbial degradation USE Biodegradation
- Microbial mats
- Microbiology
- Microbiological analysis
- Microbiological culture
- Microbiologists
- Microforms
- Microcosms
- Microearthquakes
- Microhabitats
- Microinjection
- Micronekton USE Nekton
- Micropalaeontology
- Microphones
- Microphotography
- Microprocessors
- Microscopes
- Microscopy
- Microseisms
- Microsomes USE Ribosomes
- Microstructure
- Microtopography
- Microwave imagery
- Microwave radar
- Microwaves
- Microwave radiometers
- Midocean ridges USE Mid-ocean ridges
- Midlatitude anticyclones USE Anticyclones
- Midlatitude cyclones USE recommended
- Midwater cages USE Submerged cages
- Midwater trawls
- Migrations
- migraciones anadrómicas USE Anadromous migrations
- migraciones de desove USE Spawning migrations
- migraciones verticales USE Vertical migrations
- Migratory species
- Military operations
- Military oceanography
- Military ports
- Milk
- Milkfish culture USE Fish culture
- Milt USE Roes
- Mimicry
- Minced products
- Mine tailings
- Mineral assemblages
- Mineral collections
- Mineral composition
- Mineral deposits
- Mineral exploration
- Mineral industry
- Mineral oils USE Petroleum
- Mineral processing
- Mineral resources
- Mineral rights USE Concessions
- Mineral salts USE Salts
- Mineral samples
- Mineralization
- Mineralogy
- Minerals
- Mining
- Mining equipment
- Mining legislation
- Mining vessels
- Miocene
- Mirages USE Atmospheric optical phenomena
- Mist USE Fog
- Mistral USE Local winds
- Mitochondria
- Mitosis
- Mixed gas
- Mixed layer
- Mixed layer depth
- Mixed species culture USE Polyculture
- Mixing (sediments) USE Sediment mixing
- Mixing length
- Mixing processes
- Mixing ratio
- Mobile platforms
- Mobility
- Modelling
- modelos económicos USE Economic models
- modelos estadísticos USE Statistical models
- Models
- Modes
- Modifiers USE Additives
- Modules
- Mohorovicic discontinuity USE Moho
- Moisture
- Moisture content USE Water content
- Molecular biology
- Molecular diffusion
- Molecular heat conduction USE Heat conduction
- Molecular hybridization USE Hybridization
- Molecular weight
- Molecular structure
- Molecular taxonomy USE Chemotaxonomy
- Molecular viscosity
- Molecules
- Mollusk culture USE Mollusc culture
- Mollusk fisheries USE Mollusc fisheries
- Molluskan larvae USE Molluscan larvae
- Molluskicides USE Molluscicides
- Molluscs USE Shellfish
- Mollusks (brackishwater) USE Brackishwater molluscs
- Mollusks (freshwater) USE Freshwater molluscs
- muda USE Moulting
- Molybdenum
- Molybdenum compounds
- Molybdenum isotopes
- Momentum
- Momentum conservation USE Conservation of momentum
- Momentum transfer
- Monazite
- Monin-Obukhov length
- monitoreo de contaminación USE Pollution monitoring
- Monitoring
- Monitoring stations USE Monitoring stations
- Monitoring systems
- Monoclonal antibodies
- Monospecific culture USE Monoculture
- Monocyclic hydrocarbons USE Aromatic hydrocarbons
- Monographs USE Synopsis
- Monomolecular films
- Monosaccharides
- Monosex culture
- Monoterpenes USE Terpenes
- Monsoon reversal
- Monsoons
- Monthly
- Monthly distribution
- Montmorillonite
- Moon
- Moon phases
- Mooring buoys
- Mooring lines
- Mooring motion effects
- Mooring recovery
- Mooring ships USE Berthing
- Moorings USE Mooring systems
- Moraines
- Moratorium USE Moratoria
- Morbidity USE Diseases
- Morphology (animal) USE Animal morphology
- Morphology (organisms) USE Organism morphology
- morfología funcional USE Functional morphology
- morfología vegetal USE Plant morphology
- Morphometry
- Morison's equation
- Morphogenesis
- Morphology (coastal) USE Coastal morphology
- Morphology (plant) USE (ORGANISMS)
- Mortality rate USE Mortality
- mortalidad de pesca USE Fishing mortality
- mortalidad natural USE Natural mortality
- mortalidad por marcación USE Tagging mortality
- mortalidad total USE Total mortality
- Mortality causes
- Mother ships
- Movement USE Motion
- Motion effects
- Motion sickness USE Sea sickness
- Motor boats
- Motor fuels USE Fuels
- Motors
- Moulting hormones USE Ecdysons
- Mountain building USE Orogeny
- Mountain waves USE Lee waves
- Mountains
- Mouth parts
- movimientos locales USE Local movements
- mtDNA
- Mucoproteins USE Mucins
- Mucopolysaccharides
- Mucus
- Mud
- Mud banks
- Mud flats
- Mud volcanoes
- Mudflows USE Debris flow
- Muds (drilling) USE Drilling fluids
- Mudstone
- muestras de arrastre USE Dredged samples
- muestreo USE Sampling
- muestreo biológico USE Biological sampling
- muestreos estadísticos USE Statistical sampling
- Mullet fisheries
- Multibeam sonar
- Multiship expeditions
- Multiphase flow
- Multiple use of resources
- Multispecies fisheries
- Multispectral scanners
- Multivariate analysis
- músculos USE Muscles
- Muscovite
- Musculoskeletal system
- Museum collections
- Museums
- Mussel culture
- Mussel fisheries
- Mutagenesis
- Mutagens
- Mutations
- Mutualism USE Symbiosis
- Mycobacterial infections USE Tuberculosis
- Mycology
- Mycotic diseases USE Fungal diseases
- Myoglobins
- Myoneme USE Cell organelles
- Myosin