Total de términos
Términos con la letra V: 132
- Vaccination
- Viral vaccines USE Vaccines
- Valine
- Valley line USE Thalweg
- Valleys
- Valliculture
- valor de nutrición USE Nutritive value
- Vanadium
- Vanadium compounds
- Vane devices
- Vane shear testing
- Vanes
- Vaporization
- Vaporization heat
- Vapour tension USE Vapour pressure
- Variability
- variación estacional USE Seasonal variations
- variaciones anuales USE Annual variations
- variaciones diurnas USE Diurnal variations
- Variations (space) USE Spatial variations
- variaciones regionales USE Regional variations
- Variations (time) USE Temporal variations
- Variance analysis
- Variations (magnetic) USE Magnetic variations
- Variations (phenotypic) USE Phenotypic variations
- Varves
- Vascular system USE Circulatory system
- Vectors
- Vegetal fossils
- vegetation
- Vegetation control USE Plant control
- Vegetation cover
- Vegetative reproduction
- Vehicles
- Venules USE Blood vessels
- vejiga natatoria USE Swim bladder
- Veligers
- velocidad de corrientes USE Current velocity
- Velocity
- Velocity gradients
- Velocity measurement (water) USE Current measurement
- Velocity microstructure
- Velocity profilers
- Velocity profiles
- Velocity sections
- Venoms USE Biological poisons
- Venom apparatus
- Ventilation
- Vents (hydrothermal) USE Hydrothermal springs
- Vermiculite
- Vernacular names
- vértebras USE Vertebrae
- Vertebrae counts
- Vertebrate zoology
- Vertical transport USE Vertical advection
- Vertical distribution
- Vertical migrations
- Vertical mixing
- Vertical motion
- Vertical movements (geology) USE Epeirogeny
- Vertical profiles
- Vertical profiling
- Vertical sections
- Vertical shear
- Vertical stability
- Vertical structure (water bodies) USE Water column
- Vertical tectonics
- Vertical water movement
- Vessel seizure USE Surveillance and enforcement
- Vessels USE Surface craft
- Veterinarians
- Vibro-corers USE Vibrarory corers
- Vibration
- Vibrio infections USE Vibrio anguillarum
- Vibriosis
- Video networks USE Television systems
- Videotapes USE Videotape recordings
- vientos USE Winds
- Viewing underwater
- Viral diseases
- Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia USE Septicaemia
- Virology
- VPA USE Virtual population analysis
- Virulence
- Viruses
- Viscosity
- Viscosity coefficients
- Visibility
- Visibility underwater
- Visible and near-infrared imagery USE Satellite photography
- Visible radiation USE Light
- Vision
- Visual aids USE Audiovisual materials
- Visual inspection
- Visual pigments
- Visual stimuli
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B complex USE Vitamin B
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin D
- Vitamin deficiency USE Vitamin deficiencies
- Vitamin E
- Vitamins
- Vitellogenesis
- Viviparous USE Viviparity
- Vocalization behaviour
- Vocal sacs USE Vocal organs
- Voes USE Coastal inlets
- Void ratio
- Voids
- Volatile compounds
- Volatile hydrocarbons
- Volcanic dust USE Volcanic ash
- Volcanic belts
- Volcanic breccia
- Volcanic eruptions
- Volcanic glass
- Volcanic islands
- Volcanic lapilli
- Volcanic rocks
- Volcanogenic deposits
- Vulcanism USE Volcanism
- Volcanoes
- Voltammetry
- Volume
- Volume scattering function
- Volume transport
- Volumetric analysis
- Vortex shedding
- Vortices
- Vorticity
- Vulnerability