Total de términos
Términos con la letra B: 85
- B dwarfs
- B galaxies
- B giants
- B magnitude
- B-type stars USE B stars
- B subdwarfs
- B supergiants
- Barium stars
- Baade-Wesselink method
- Backyard astronomy USE Amateur astronomy
- Bailey type stars
- Bailys beads USE Baily's beads
- Baker-Nunn cameras
- Barred spiral galaxies
- Baryogenesis
- Baryon acoustic oscillations
- Baryonic dark matter
- Be stars
- Be-type stars USE Be type stars
- Bearing USE Azimuth
- Bediasites
- Bekenstein–Hawking entropy
- Bessel UB VRI photometry USE Bessel photometry
- Besselian epoch
- Beta Cephei stars
- Beta Cephei variables
- Beta Lyrae stars
- Beta persei stars USE Algol variable stars
- Beyond the Standard Model
- Bianchi cosmology
- Big Bang nucleosynthesis
- Big Bang theory
- Binary stars
- Binary galaxies USE Double galaxies
- Binary pulsars
- Binary systems
- Bipolar galaxies
- Bipolar nebulae
- Bipolar outflows USE Interstellar outflows
- Bipolar sunspot groups
- BL Herculis stars
- BL Lacertae objects
- Black dwarfs
- Black hole evaporation USE Hawking radiation
- Black hole physics
- Black hole spin-flip
- Black hole thermodynamics
- Black holes
- Blazars
- Blazhko effect
- Blinking
- Blue dwarfs
- Blue galaxies
- Blue loop
- Blue stellar objects
- Blueshift
- Blue stragglers
- Bodes law USE Bode's law
- Bok globules
- Bolides
- Bolometric correction
- Bondi accretion
- Borasisi
- Bosonic strings
- Bouwers telescope
- Bp stars
- Brane cosmology
- Brane dynamics
- Brane phenomenology
- Branes USE P-branes
- Bright galaxies
- Bright nebulae
- Bright point
- Bright stars
- Brightness temperature
- Broadband photometry USE Broad band photometry
- Brown dwarfs
- BSFF-Matrix theory
- Bump cepheid USE Cepheids
- Burkert profile
- Burst astrophysics
- Bursters
- BV photometry
- BW stars
- BY Draconis stars