Total de términos
Términos con la letra N: 62
- N-body problem
- N galaxies
- N magnitude
- N stars
- N-body simulations
- North celestial pole
- North ecliptic pole
- North galactic pole
- Nitrous oxide
- Nadir
- Naked singularities
- Narrow band photometry
- Natural satellites
- Nautical almanacs
- NFW-profile USE Navarro-Frenk-White profile
- Near-ir astronomy USE Near infrared astronomy
- Near-uv astronomy USE Near ultraviolet astronomy
- NEOs USE Near-Earth objects
- Nearby galaxies
- Nebulae
- Nebular filaments
- Neptune
- Neptune trojans
- Nereid USE Neptunian satellites
- Neutral hydrogen clouds
- Neutral hydrogen gas
- Neutrino astronomy
- Neutrino masses
- Neutrino oscillation
- Neutrino oscillations
- Neutrino telescopes
- Neutron interferometry
- Neutron sources
- Neutron star cores
- Neutron stars
- Newton's law of universal gravitation USE Gravitational force
- Newtonian gravitation
- Newtonian telescopes
- NGC 224 USE Andromeda Galaxy
- NGC 598 USE Triangulum Galaxy
- Noctilucent clouds
- Night sky brightness
- Night vision
- Nomad planets USE Rogue planets
- Nonclassical interferometry
- Non-Gaussianity
- Nonradial pulsation USE Non-radial pulsations
- Nonrotating black holes
- Nonthermal sources USE Non-thermal radiation sources
- North node USE Ascending node
- Nova progenitors
- Nova-like variables USE Nova-like variable stars
- Novae
- Novoid USE Slow novae
- Nubeculae Magellani USE Magellanic Clouds
- Nuclear abundances
- Nuclear astrophysics
- Nucleus of planetary nebula USE Planetary nebulae nuclei
- Nucleocosmochronology USE Cosmochronology
- Nucleogenesis USE Big Bang nucleosynthesis
- Nucleosynthesis
- Null cones USE Light cones