Total de términos
Términos con la letra S: 317
- South celestial pole
- Sloan photometry
- S Dor variables USE Hubble-Sandage variable stars
- S Doradus stars
- South ecliptic pole
- South galactic pole
- Spiral galaxies
- Small Magellanic Cloud
- Slow-neutron-capture process USE S-process
- Se stars USE S stars
- S Vulpeculae stars
- SA galaxies USE Unbarred spiral galaxies
- Stellar luminosity USE Stellar luminosities
- Saros series USE Saros cycle
- Satellite formation
- Saturn
- Saturn ring division USE Planetary ring divisions
- Saturnian satellites
- SB galaxies USE Barred spiral galaxies
- STVG USE Scalar-tensor-vector gravity
- Scale height
- SDOs USE Scattered disk objects
- Schmidt telescopes USE Schmidt cameras
- Schmidt-Cassegrain telescopes
- Schonberg-Chandrasekhar limit USE Chandrasekhar-Schoenberg limit
- Schwarzschild black holes
- Schwarzschild vacuum USE Schwarzschild metric
- Schwarzschild radius
- Seasonal phenomena
- Secondary cosmic rays
- Secondary planets USE Natural satellites
- Secondary stars USE Companion stars
- Secular parallax
- Sedna
- Selenology
- Semibarium stars USE Semi-barium stars
- Semidetached binary stars USE Semi-detached binary stars
- Semi-diurnal USE Ocean tides
- Semimajor axis
- Semiminor axis
- Semiregular variable stars USE Semi-regular variable stars
- Semiregulars USE Semiregular variables
- Seyfert galaxies
- Seyfert nucleus USE Seyfert nuclei
- Shadow bands
- Shell burning
- Shell helium flashes USE Helium shell flashes
- Shell stars
- Shepherd satellites
- Short period variable stars
- Siderostats
- Sigma8
- Silicon burning
- SiO masers USE Silicon monoxide masers
- Silicon stars
- Single star systems
- Single X-ray stars
- Spacetime singularities USE Gravitational singularities
- Sky brightness
- Sky noise
- Sky surveys
- Slow irregulars USE Slow irregular variables
- Slow novae
- SSSBs USE Small solar system bodies
- Sociology of astronomy
- Soft gamma-ray repeaters USE Soft gamma ray repeaters
- Solar abundances
- Solar activity
- Sun cycles USE Solar activity cycles
- Solar atmosphere
- Solar atmospheric motions
- Stellar bow shocks
- Solar chromosphere
- Solar composition
- Solar constant
- Solar core
- Solar corona
- Solar coronal holes
- Solar coronal loops
- Solar coronal streamers
- Solar magnetic activity cycle USE Solar cycle
- Solar variations USE Solar cycle variations
- Solar diameter
- Solar eclipses
- Solar electromagnetic emission
- Suprathermal particles USE Solar energetic particles
- Solar prominences
- Solar evolution
- Solar faculae
- Solar flocculus USE Solar filaments
- Solar flares
- Solar γ-ray emission USE Solar gamma ray emission
- Solar granulation
- Solar instruments
- Solar interior
- Solar irradiance
- Solar macrospicules
- Solar magnetic fields
- Solar magnetic reconnection
- Solar magnetism
- Solar mass
- Solar motion
- Solar nebulae
- Solar neighbourhood USE Solar neighborhood
- Solar neutrino problem
- Solar neutrinos
- Solar neutrons
- Solar observatories
- Solar optical telescopes
- Solar oscillations
- Solar parallax
- Solar particle emission
- Solar photosphere
- Solar physics
- Solar/planetary interactions USE Solar-planetary interactions
- Solar properties
- Solar radiation
- Solar radio emission
- Solar radio telescopes
- Solar rotation
- Solar spicules
- Solar storm
- Solar surface
- Solar system
- Solar system dwarf planets
- Solar system formation
- Solar system planets
- Solar telescopes
- Solar/terrestrial relations USE Solar-terrestrial interactions
- Solar transition region
- Solar UV emission USE Solar ultraviolet emission
- Solar wind
- Solar wind termination
- Solar X-ray emission
- Solstice
- South node USE Descending node
- Space astrometry
- Space-based telescopes USE Space telescopes
- Space biology USE Astrobiology
- Space debris
- Space exploration
- Space instruments
- Space law
- Space observatories
- Space plasmas
- Space probes
- Space science USE Space research
- Space vehicle instruments
- Space vehicles
- Special theory of relativity
- Speckle interferometry
- Stellar spectrum classification USE Stellar classification
- Spectral index
- Spectrometers
- Spectrophotometry
- Spectrum binary stars USE Spectroscopic binary stars
- Spectroscopic radial velocity USE Radial velocity
- Spectrum binary stars USE Two-spectrum binary stars
- Spectrum variable stars
- Spherical astrolabes USE Armillary spheres
- Spherical astronomy USE Positional astronomy
- Spin-flip USE Black hole spin-flip
- Spiral arms
- SS cygni stars USE U Geminorum stars
- Sunspot number
- Stellar stability
- Standard candles
- Standard stars
- Stellar associations
- Star atlases
- Star clusters
- Stellar statistics USE Star counts
- Stellar evolution
- Star formation
- Starlight polarization
- Starspots
- Stellar systems USE Star systems
- Starburst galaxies
- Stargazing USE Amateur astronomy
- Stars
- Statistical parallax
- Steady-state theory
- Stellar abundance USE Chemical abundances
- Stellar abundances
- Stellar accretion
- Stellar accretion disks
- Stellar activity
- Stellar ages
- Stellar physics
- Stellar atmospheres
- Stellar opacity USE Stellar atmospheric opacity
- Stellar mass black holes
- Stellar bridges
- Stellar magnitudes
- Stellar properties
- Stellar chemical composition
- Stellar chromospheres USE Chromospheres
- Stellar colours USE Stellar colors
- Stellar composition
- Stellar cores
- Stellar coronae USE Coronae
- Stellar disks
- Stellar distance
- Stellar distribution
- Stellar dynamics
- Stellar effective temperatures
- Stellar elemental abundances
- Stellar envelope USE Circumstellar envelope
- Stellar envelope USE Circumstellar shell
- Stellar evolutionary tracks
- Stellar faculae
- Stellar feedback
- Stellar flares
- Stellar gas distribution
- Stellar imaging USE Observational astronomy
- Stellar inner core
- Stellar interferometry USE Optical interferometry
- Stellar interior
- Stellar jets
- Stellar kinematics
- Stellar magnetospheres USE Stellar magnetic fields
- Stellar mass functions
- Stellar mass loss
- Stellar masses
- Stellar motion
- Stellar nucleosynthesis
- Stellar oscillations
- Stellar winds
- Stellar parallax
- Stellar phenomena
- Stellar photospheres USE Photospheres
- Stellar population of the Orion Nebula Cluster USE Orion population stars
- Stellar populations
- Stellar progenitors
- Stellar pulsations
- Stellar radius USE Stellar radii
- Stellar radio sources USE Radio stars
- Stellar remnants
- Stellar rings
- Stellar rotation
- Stellar seismology USE Asteroseismology
- Stellar spatial motions USE Proper motions
- Stellar spectral lines
- Stellar structure
- Stellar surfaces
- Stellar tracking devices
- Stellar-wind bubbles USE Stellar wind bubbles
- Stereophotogrammetry USE Photogrammetry
- Strange stars USE Quark stars
- Stratopause
- Stratosphere
- String cosmology
- String duality
- String field theory
- String phenomenology
- String theory
- String theory anomalies
- Stripped core-collapse supernovae
- Stromgren uvby system USE Strömgren photometric system
- Strömgren spheres
- Strong gravitational lensing
- Strontium stars
- SU Ursae Majoris stars
- Subdwarfs
- Substellar companions
- Subgiants USE Subgiant stars
- Subluminous stars
- Submillimeter astronomy
- Summer solstice
- Sun spots
- Sungrazer USE Kreutz Sungrazers
- Sunspot cycle
- Sunspot groups
- Sunspots
- SZ effect USE Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
- Super-Earths USE Super Earths
- Superhumps
- Superradiant emission USE Astrophysical masers
- Superbubbles
- Superclusters
- Supergalactic coordinate system
- Supergalactic latitude
- Supergalactic longitude
- Supergiant stars
- Supergranulation
- Supergravity
- Superheterodyne receivers USE Heterodyne receivers
- Superluminal motion USE Apparent superluminal motion
- Supermassive black holes
- Supermassive stars
- Supernova dynamics
- Supernova envelopes
- Supernova evolution
- Supernova neutrinos
- Supernova progenitors
- Supernova remnants
- Supernovae
- Superspaces
- Superstring theory
- Superstring vacua
- Superstrings
- Supersymmetric gauge theory
- Supersymmetric Standard Model
- SUSY USE Supersymmetry
- Supersymmetry breaking
- Supersymmetry phenomenology
- Surface gravity
- Surface photometry
- Surveys
- Sweet air USE Nitrous oxide
- SX Arietis variables
- SX-Phoenicis variables USE SX Phoenicis variables
- Symbiotic stars USE Symbiotic binary stars
- Symbiotic novae
- Synodic period
- Synthetic aperture USE Aperture synthesis
- Syzygy