Total de términos
Términos con la letra C: 203
- C h_4 USE Methane
- Classical T Tauri stars
- Calendars
- Callisto USE Galilean satellites
- Cambridgte Catalogue of Radio Sources USE Radio source catalogs
- Cape photometry
- Cape RI photometry
- Carbon burning
- CNO cycle USE Carbon-nitrogen cycle
- Carbon flash
- CO_2 USE Carbon dioxide
- Carbon stars
- Carbonaceous chondrites
- Cassegrain telescopes
- Cassini's Division USE Planetary ring divisions
- Cataclysmic variables USE Cataclysmic variable stars
- Catadioptric telescopes
- Catalogues USE Catalogs
- Catoptric telescopes USE Reflecting telescopes
- Caustic-crossing USE Caustic crossing
- Cosmic microwave background radiation
- CCD observation
- Charge-coupled device photometry USE CCD photometry
- cD-type galaxies USE cD galaxies
- Celestial coordinate USE Equatorial coordinate system
- Celestial reference system USE Celestial coordinate systems
- Celestial equator
- Celestial latitude USE Declination
- Celestial longitude USE Right ascension
- Celestial mechanics
- Celestial objects USE Astronomical objects
- Celestial objects catalogs
- Celestial poles
- Celestial sphere
- Centaurs
- Centre of mass USE Center of mass
- Center of the Milky Way USE Galactic Center
- Cepheid distance
- Classical Cepheid USE Cepheids
- Ceres
- CH stars
- Chandrasekhar-Schonberg limit USE Chandrasekhar-Schoenberg limit
- Chaos
- Charged black holes
- Chemical abundances
- Cosmochemistry
- Chemical enrichment
- CP stars USE Chemically peculiar stars
- Chlorofluorocarbons
- Chondrites
- Chondrules
- Chromosphere
- Chromospheres
- Cthonian planets USE Chthonian planets
- CII region
- Circular orbit
- Circumnuclear matter USE Galactic circumnuclear matter
- Circumplanetary matter USE Planetary rings
- Circumstellar clouds
- Circumstellar disks
- Circumstellar dust
- Circumstellar envelope
- Circumstellar gas
- Circumstellar grains
- Circumstellar masers
- Circumstellar matter
- Circumstellar shell
- Circumstellar shells
- Cirrus castellanus
- Cirrus fibratus
- Cirrus floccus
- Cirrus spissatus
- Cirrus uncinus
- Cirrus vertebratus
- Cis-Neptunian objects
- Class A stars USE A stars
- Class B stars USE B stars
- Class F stars USE F stars
- Class G stars USE G stars
- Class K stars USE K stars
- Class M stars USE M stars
- Class O stars USE O stars
- Class R stars USE R stars
- Classical black holes
- Cubewanos USE Classical Kuiper belt objects
- Classical novae
- Cosmological models
- Classical theories of gravitation
- Classification of galaxies USE Galaxy classification systems
- Classification systems
- Close binary stars
- Close encounters
- Closed universe
- Collapsing clouds
- Cloud monitors
- Clouds
- Cluster of galaxies USE Galaxy clusters
- Cluster of stars USE Star clusters
- Cluster parallax USE Moving cluster parallax
- Cluster type variable stars USE RR Lyrae variable stars
- Cosmic microwave background radiation detectors USE CMBR detectors
- Coronal mass ejections
- CN stars
- CNO anomaly
- Cobalt stars USE Magnetic stars
- Cocoon stars
- Coelostats
- Cold dark matter
- Collapsing stars USE Collapsed stars
- Colliding galaxies USE Interacting galaxies
- Collimation
- Colour equations USE Color equations
- Color-color diagrams USE Two-color diagrams
- Color-magnitude diagrams of stars USE Hertzsprung Russell diagrams
- Coma Cluster
- Comas
- Comet interiors
- Comet tail streamers
- Comet tails
- Cometary atmospheres
- Cometary globules
- Cometary ionospheres
- Cometary nebulas USE Cometary nebulae
- Cometary studies
- Comets
- Compact object binaries USE Compact binary stars
- Compact galaxies
- Compact H II region
- Compact nebulae
- Compact nucleus USE Compact nuclei
- Compact stars
- Compact radiation sources
- Compactification
- Companion galaxies
- Companion stars
- Comparison stars
- Composition of meteorites USE Meteorite composition
- Composition of the moon USE Lunar composition
- Computational astronomy
- Conical singularities
- Conjunction
- Constellations
- Constructible universe USE Gödel universe
- Contact binary stars
- Continental drift USE Plate tectonics
- Contiuum radio emission
- Convective zone
- Convective envelope
- Convective shells
- Cool dwarf stars USE Late-type dwarfs
- Cool giant stars USE Late-type giants
- Cool subdwarf stars USE Late-type subdwarfs
- Cool supergiant stars USE Late-type supergiants
- Cooling flows
- Core-collapse supernovae
- Coronas USE Coronae
- Coronal dimming
- Coronal gas
- Coronal hole
- Coronal lines
- Coronal loops
- Coronal plumes
- Coronal transients
- Coronographic imaging
- Corotating streams
- Cosmic abundance
- Cosmic anisotropy
- Cosmic background radiation
- Cosmic distance scale USE Stellar distance
- Cosmic dust
- Cosmical electrodynamics USE Cosmic electrodynamics
- Cosmic gamma-ray burst USE Gamma-ray bursts
- Cosmological inflation USE Cosmic inflation
- Cosmic isotropy
- Cosmic magnetic fields theory
- Cosmic noise
- Cosmic pancakes
- Cosmic rays
- Cosmic radiation sources USE Astronomical radiation sources
- Cosmic ray astronomy
- Cosmic ray detectors
- Cosmic ray nucleosynthesis
- Cosmic ray sources
- Cosmic ray showers
- Cosmic singularities USE Gravitational singularities
- Cosmic strings
- Cosmic web
- Cosmochronology
- Cosmogony
- Cosmological constant
- Cosmological constant experiments
- Cosmological neutrinos
- Cosmological parameters
- Cosmological parameters from LSS USE Cosmological parameters from large-scale structure
- Cosmological perturbation theory
- Cosmological phase transitions
- Cosmological principles
- Cosmology
- Counterglow USE Gegenschein
- CP4 USE Helium weak stars
- CS stars USE Giant stars
- Curvature singularities
- Curved space