Total de términos
Términos con la letra C: 809
- Cabelling USE Cabbeling
- Cable breaks USE Submarine cable breaks
- Cable depressors
- Cable dynamics
- Cable laying
- Cable ships
- Cables
- cadena alimenticia USE Food chains
- Cadmium
- Cadmium compounds
- Cadmium isotopes
- Cenozoic
- Cesium USE Caesium
- Caesium 137
- Caesium isotopes
- Cage construction USE Gear construction
- Cage culture
- Cages
- Caissons
- Calcarenite
- Carbonate sediments
- Calcareous ooze
- Cholocalciferol USE Vitamin D
- Calcification
- Calcite
- Compensation depth (oceans) USE Carbonate compensation depth
- Calcite dissolution
- Calcitization
- Calcium
- Calcium carbonates
- Calcium compounds
- Calcium isotopes
- Calcium phosphates
- Calcium sulphates
- Calcrete
- Calculators
- Calibration
- Californium
- Californium isotopes
- Calories (nutrition) USE Calories
- Calorimetry
- Calved ice USE Icebergs
- Calving
- Climatic changes
- Cambrian
- Cameras
- Camouflage
- Cruises
- campos de temperatura USE Temperature fields
- Canals
- Caridean shrimp fisheries USE Shrimp fisheries
- Cannibalism
- Canned products
- Canning
- Canoe fisheries
- Canoeing USE Boating
- Canoes
- cañones submarinos USE Submarine canyons
- Canopies
- contenedores USE Containers
- Cap rocks
- capacidad pesquera USE Fishing capacity
- Capacitance
- Capacitance wire wave recorders USE Wave recorders
- Capacity
- Capacity (storage) USE Storage
- Capacity (volume) USE Volume
- Crayfish fisheries USE Lobster fisheries
- Cod fisheries USE Gadoid fisheries
- Capillary phenomena USE Capillarity
- Capillary waves
- Capital investments USE Investments
- Capital resources USE Financial resources
- Capsizing
- Captivity
- captura incidental USE By catch
- Catch/effort
- Catchability coefficient USE Catchability
- Commercial fisheries USE Fisheries
- Capture fishery economics
- caracteres sexuales USE Sex characters
- Carangid fisheries
- Carapace
- Carbohydrates
- Carbon
- Carbon 13
- Carbon 14
- Carbon fixation
- Carbon compounds
- Carbon cycle
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon dioxide poisoning USE Hypercapnia
- Carbon isotope ratio
- Carbon isotopes
- Carbon monoxide
- Carbon sinks
- Carbon sulphides
- Carbon/nitrogen ratio
- Carbonaceous deposits USE Organic sediments
- Carbonate minerals
- Carbonate rocks
- Carbonates
- Carbonic acid
- Carbonic anhydrase
- Carboniferous
- Carboxylation
- Carboxylic acid salts
- Carboxylic acids USE Organic acids
- Carcasses
- Carcinogenesis
- Carcinogens
- Carcinology
- Carcinologists
- Carcinoma USE Tumours
- Careers
- Cargo ships USE Merchant ships
- Cargoes
- Carnallite
- Carnivores
- Carotenes USE Vitamin A
- Carotenoids
- Carrageenins
- Carrying capacity
- cartas de salinidad USE Salinity charts
- cartas hidrográficas USE Hydrographic charts
- cartas meteorológicas USE Meteorological charts
- Coordinate systems
- Cartilage
- Cartography
- Cascading
- Cassiterite
- Cast nets
- Castration by parasites USE Parasitic castration
- Castration
- CT scan USE Tomography
- Catabolism
- Catadromous species
- Catadromous migrations
- Catagenesis
- Catalogues
- Catalysts
- Catamarans
- Catastrophes USE Disasters
- Catastrophic waves
- composición de la captura USE Catch composition
- Catch quota USE Quota regulations
- Catch statistics
- Catching methods
- Catchment area
- Catenary
- Cathodes
- Cathodic protection
- Cathodic stripping voltammetry USE Stripping analysis
- Cation exchange USE Ion exchange
- Cation exchange capacity USE Exchange capacity
- Cations
- causas de mortalidad USE Mortality causes
- Causticity USE Alkalinity
- Caustics
- Cavernicolous species
- Caves
- Caviar substitutes USE Caviar
- Cavitation
- Crevice corrosion USE Corrosion
- Cays
- cDNA
- Celestial navigation
- Cytology
- Cell constituents
- Cell counters
- Cell culture
- Cell differentiation
- Cell division
- Contractile vacuole USE Cell organelles
- Cell fusion
- Cell inclusions
- Cytoplasmic membranes USE Cell membranes
- Cell morphology
- Cell walls
- Cells
- Cellular convection
- Cellulase USE Enzymes
- Cellulose
- Concrete
- Cementation
- Cements (adhesives) USE Adhesives
- Cements (geology) USE Submarine cements
- Census
- CNS USE Central nervous system
- Centrifugal force
- Centrifugation
- Centrifuges
- Centripetal force
- cepas USE Strains
- Cuttlefish fisheries USE Cephalopod fisheries
- Cephalothorax
- Ceramics
- Cerium
- Cerium compounds
- Cerium isotopes
- Certification
- Cetology
- Chain
- Chalk
- Chambers (one-atmosphere) USE Underwater habitats
- Chandler wobble
- Changes (time) USE Temporal variations
- Changes of state USE Phase changes
- Channel flow
- Channels
- Channels (sound) USE Sound channels
- Chaos
- Chart datum
- Charting (environmental conditions) USE Mapping
- Charting (navigational hazards) USE Hydrographic surveying
- Charts (maps) USE Maps
- Check lists
- Chelation USE Chelates
- Chelatometric titration USE Titration
- Chemical activity USE Thermodynamic activity
- Chemical assays USE Chemical analysis
- composición química USE Chemical composition
- Chemical compounds
- Chemical pollution
- Chemocontrol USE Chemical control
- Chemical cycles
- Chemical defence
- Chemical degradation
- Chemical elements
- Chemical engineering
- Chemical equilibrium
- Chemical extraction
- Chemical fertilizers
- Chemical kinetics
- Chemical limnology
- Chemical messengers USE Hormones
- Chemical oceanography
- Chemical oxygen demand
- Chemical plumes
- Chemical pollutants
- Chemical precipitation
- Chemical properties
- Chemical reactions
- Chemoreceptors
- Control resistance
- Chemically precipitated sediments USE Chemical sediments
- Chemical speciation
- Chemical spills
- Chemical stimuli
- Chemical waste disposal USE Waste disposal
- Chemicals (fire fighting) USE Fire extinguishers
- Chemiluminescence
- Chemisorption USE Sorption
- Chemistry
- Chemoreception
- Chemosynthesis
- Chemotaxis
- Chemotaxonomy
- Chemotropism
- Chenier plains
- Cheniers
- Chertification
- Cherts
- Chi square test USE Statistical analysis
- Chicken-fish culture USE Agropisciculture
- Chilled products
- Chilling storage
- Chimaeras fisheries USE Shark fisheries
- Chitin
- Chitosan
- Chloric acid
- Chlorides
- Chlorinated hydrocarbons
- Chlorinators USE Chlorination
- Chlorine
- Chlorine compounds
- Chlorine isotopes
- Chlorinity
- Chlorite
- Chloroform
- clorofilas USE Chlorophylls
- Chloroplasts
- Chlorosity
- colesterol USE Cholesterol
- Choline
- Cholinesterase inhibitors
- Chordate zoology USE Vertebrate zoology
- Chorology USE Biogeography
- Christmas trees USE Wellheads
- Chromatic adaptations
- Chromatic behaviour
- Chromatic pigments
- Chromatography USE Chromatographic techniques
- Chromatophores
- Chromite
- Chromium
- Chromium compounds
- Chromium isotopes
- Chromosome mutations USE Mutations
- Chromosomes
- Clocks USE Chronometers
- Chronostratigraphy
- ciclo de vida USE Life cycle
- ciclo del fósforo USE Phosphorus cycle
- ciclo del nitrógeno USE Nitrogen cycle
- ciclo reproductivo USE Reproductive cycle
- Ciguatera
- Ciguatoxin
- Cilia
- Circadian rhythms
- circulación de agua USE Water circulation
- circulación oceánica USE Ocean circulation
- circulación termohalina USE Thermohaline circulation
- Circulation
- Circulatory system
- Citrates
- Civil engineering
- Cladistics
- Clam culture
- Cockle fisheries USE Clam fisheries
- Clapotis USE Standing waves
- Classification
- Classification (biological) USE Taxonomy
- Classification systems
- Clastics
- claves de identificación USE Identification keys
- Clay minerals
- Clays
- Cleaning
- Cleaning behaviour
- Clear air turbulence USE Atmospheric turbulence
- Cliffs
- Climate
- Climate prediction
- Climatological data USE Climatic data
- Climatological charts
- Climatic zones
- Climatology
- Climatologists USE Meteorologists
- Climax community
- Clines
- Clinoptilonite
- Cloaca
- Clones
- Cloning
- Closed recirculating systems USE Recirculating systems
- Closed seasons USE Season regulations
- Closure approximation
- Cloudiness USE Cloud cover
- Cloud height
- Cloud physics
- Cumulus USE Clouds
- Clupeoid fisheries
- Clutch size USE Clutch
- Cnoidal waves
- Coagulators USE Coagulants
- Coagulation
- Coal
- Corange lines USE Isopleths
- Coarse fish
- Coast accretion USE Progradation
- Coast defences
- Coast effect
- Coast protection USE Shore protection
- Coastal aquaculture USE Marine aquaculture
- Coastal boundary layer
- Coastal circulation USE Shelf dynamics
- Coastal countercurrents
- Coastal states
- Coastal currents
- Coastal currents (littoral) USE Nearshore currents
- Coastal dunes USE Dunes
- Coastal engineering
- Coastal zone
- Coastal erosion
- Coastal erosion features USE Erosion features
- Coastal fisheries
- Coastal geodesy
- Coastal inlets
- Coastal jets
- Coastal lagoons
- Coastal topographic features USE Coastal landforms
- Coastal morphology
- Coastal oceanography
- Coastal zone management
- Coastal reclamation USE Land reclamation
- Coastal structures
- Coastal trapped waves USE Trapped waves
- Coastal upwelling
- Coastal waters
- Coastguards
- Coasts
- Coatings USE Coating materials
- Coating processes
- Coaxial cables
- Cobalt
- Cobalt compounds
- Cobalt isotopes
- Cobblestone
- Copper
- Coccoliths
- copos (tecnólogos usan también: bolsa) USE Codends
- Codes of practice USE Standards
- Codex standards
- Coefficient of eddy viscosity USE Eddy viscosity coefficient
- Coefficients
- Coelom
- Coelomic fluids
- Colonies
- Coenzymes
- Coherent Light Detection and Rangefinding USE Lidar
- Cohesionless sediments
- Cohesive sediments
- Cohort analysis USE Virtual population analysis
- Cohorts
- Cold blooded animals USE Poikilothermy
- Cold branding
- Cold fronts USE Atmospheric fronts
- Cold resistance
- Cold season
- Cold shock
- Cold storage
- Cold tolerance USE Temperature tolerance
- Cold water diseases USE Peduncle disease
- Cold water masses
- colecciones biológicas USE Biological collections
- Collagen
- Collapse strength
- Collected papers
- Collecting devices
- Collections
- Collision avoidance
- Collisions
- Colloidal clay
- Colloids
- Conferences
- Colonization
- Colour
- Colorimetry USE Colorimetric techniques
- Columbium USE Niobium
- Commensalism
- Commensals
- Commerce
- Commercial aquaculture USE Aquaculture enterprises
- Commercial availability
- Commercial exploitation USE Exploitation
- Commercial fishing
- Commercial land use USE Land use
- Commercial legislation
- Companies
- Commercial species
- Commercialization USE Marketing
- Comminuted products USE Minced products
- Commodity statistics USE Industrial products statistics
- Common names USE Vernacular names
- Common property resources
- Common salt USE Sodium chloride
- Contagious diseases USE Infectious diseases
- Communication
- Communication satellites
- Communication systems
- comunidades acuáticas USE Aquatic communities
- composición de la comunidad USE Community composition
- Community diversity USE Species diversity
- Community fishing USE Sport fishing
- Community planning
- Compaction
- Comparative studies
- Computer models USE Mathematical models
- Compasses
- Compensation level USE Compensation depth
- Compensation depth (isostasy) USE Isostasy
- Competition
- Competitive behaviour
- Competitors
- Completion (well) USE Well completion
- Complex lipids
- Compliant towers USE Guyed towers
- Components
- composición bioquímica USE Biochemical composition
- composición de alimentos USE Feed composition
- composición de sedimentos USE Sediment composition
- composición por edad USE Age composition
- composición por especies USE Species composition
- composición por tamaño USE Size composition
- Composite cultures USE Polyculture
- Composite materials
- Composition
- Composts
- Compound eyes
- compounds
- Compounds (organic) USE Organic compounds
- Compressed gas
- Compressibility
- Compression
- Compression chambers USE Decompression chambers
- Compression tables USE Decompression tables
- Compressional wave velocities
- Compressional waves (seismic) USE P-waves
- Compressive strength
- Compressors
- compuestos volátiles USE Volatile compounds
- Computation
- Computer aided cartography USE Automated cartography
- Computer programs
- Computers
- comunicación animal USE Animal communication
- comunidades bentónicas USE Benthic communities
- Concessions
- cultivo de moluscos USE Mollusc culture
- Conch fisheries USE Gastropod fisheries
- Conchology
- Concrete structures
- Crusts (rocks) USE Concretions
- Condensate fields USE Gas condensate fields
- Condensation
- condiciones ambientales USE Environmental conditions
- Controlled conditions
- Condition factor
- conducta USE Behaviour
- conducta alimenticia USE Feeding behaviour
- conducta de asentamiento USE Settling behaviour
- conducta reproductiva USE Reproductive behaviour
- Conductivity (electrical) USE Electrical conductivity
- Conductive heat transfer USE Heat conduction
- Conductivity (thermal) USE Thermal conductivity
- Conductivity sensors
- Conductivity ratio
- CTD sensors USE CTD profilers
- CTD observations
- Configuration USE Shape
- Conflicts USE Disputes
- conflictos pesqueros USE Fishery disputes
- Conglomerates
- Conidia
- Conjugation
- Coupling (joining components) USE Connecting
- Connective tissues
- Couplings (components) USE Connectors
- conservación de la naturaleza USE Nature conservation
- conservación del recurso USE Resource conservation
- Conservation
- Conservation (fishery products) USE Processing fishery products
- Conservation (organisms) USE Fixation
- Conservation equations
- Conservation of angular
- Conservation of angular momentum
- Conservation of energy
- Conservation of heat
- Conservation of mass
- Conservation of momentum
- Conservation of salt
- Continuity equation USE Equation of continuity
- Conservation of vorticity
- Conservation principles
- Conservative properties
- Consolidation
- Constants
- Construction
- Construction materials
- Consultants
- consumidores USE Consumers
- consumo de alimentos USE Food consumption
- consumo de oxígeno USE Oxygen consumption
- consumo de peces USE Fish consumption
- consumption
- contador de branquiespinas USE Gillraker counts
- contadores de huevos USE Egg counters
- Container ports USE Ferry terminals
- Container ships
- Containment
- contaminación de agua dulce USE Freshwater pollution
- contaminación de aguas salobres USE Brackishwater pollution
- contaminación marina USE Marine pollution
- contaminación microbiana USE Microbial contamination
- contaminación por petróleo USE Oil pollution
- contaminantes USE Pollutants
- Contamination USE Pollution
- Contamination (internal) USE Radionuclide kinetics
- Contamination (radioactive) USE Radioactive contamination
- Contamination of samples USE Sample contamination
- contenido del agua USE Water content
- contenido estomacal USE Stomach content
- conteos merísticos USE Meristic counts
- Contiguous zones
- Continental aerosols USE Aerosols
- Continental margins
- Continental crust
- Continental migration USE Continental drift
- Continental nations USE Landlocked states
- Continental ridges
- Continental rise
- Continental shelves
- Continental shelf edge USE Shelf edge
- Continental slope
- Continents
- Continuous culture
- Continuous profilers USE Profilers
- Continuous tracking USE Tracking
- Contour currents
- Contour feathers USE Feathers
- Contourites
- Contours
- Contractors
- Contracts
- Control systems USE Control
- Control charts
- control de calidad USE Quality control
- control de contaminación USE Pollution control
- control de enfermedades USE Disease control
- control de incrustaciones USE Fouling control
- Convective heat transfer USE Convection
- Convective overturn USE Overturn
- Conventions USE International agreements
- Convergence
- Convergence zones
- Convergent evolution USE Evolution
- Convergent margins USE Active margins
- Converging plate boundaries
- Conversion efficiency USE Food conversion
- Conversion factors
- Conversion tables
- Conversion tables (meteorology) USE Meteorological tables
- Convolution
- Cooling
- Cooling ponds
- Cooling systems
- Cooling water
- cooperación internacional USE International cooperation
- Cooperatives
- cultivo de crustáceos USE Crustacean culture
- Copolymerization USE Polymerization
- Copper compounds
- Coprecipitation
- Coral
- Coral farming
- Coral islands USE Atolls
- Coral reefs
- Corange charts USE Tidal charts
- Core (earth) USE Earth core
- Core analysis
- Core handling
- Core layer method
- Core layers (water)
- Core orientation
- Core recovery
- Cores
- Coring
- Coring devices USE Corers
- Coriolis acceleration
- Coriolis force
- Coriolis parameters
- Corrections
- Cross correlation
- Correlation
- Correlation functions USE Correlation analysis
- Correspondence (letters) USE Documents
- corrientes oceánicas USE Ocean currents
- corrientes superficie USE Surface currents
- Corrosion protection USE Corrosion control
- Cracking (corrosion)
- Cosine collectors
- Cosmic dust
- Cosmic rays USE Cosmic radiation
- Cosmic spherules
- Cosmopolite species
- Cost analysis
- Costs
- Cotidal charts
- Cotidal lines
- Couette flow
- Countercurrents
- Counters
- Countries
- Coupled bodies
- Courtship
- Crab culture
- Crab fisheries
- Crack propagation
- Cracks
- Crane barges
- Cranes
- Cratons
- Crayfish farming USE Crayfish culture
- Crawlers USE Seabed vehicles
- crecimiento USE Growth
- Credit management USE Financial management
- Creel census USE Sport fishing statistics
- Creep
- Cretaceous
- Crew
- cría USE Fry
- cría artificial USE Rearing
- Cristobalite
- Critical flow
- Critical path method
- Croaker fisheries USE Percoid fisheries
- Crocodile farming USE Reptile culture
- Cross breeding USE Hybrid culture
- Cross pollination USE Pollination
- Crowding USE Stocking density
- Crude oil
- Crude oil production USE Oil production
- Crude oil treating USE Oil treating
- Cruise programmes
- Cruise reports
- Cruise stations
- Crust (earth) USE Earth crust
- Crust (ocean) USE Oceanic crust
- Crustacean fisheries
- Crustacean larvae
- Crustaceans USE Shellfish
- crustáceos de agua dulce USE Freshwater crustaceans
- crustáceos marinos USE Marine crustaceans
- Crustal accretion
- Crustal adjustment
- Crustal shortening
- Crustal structure
- Crustal thickness
- Cryobiology
- Cryoplankton
- Cryoprotectants USE Freezing storage
- Cryosphere
- Crystallization
- cuencas de ríos USE River basins
- Cultch material USE Cultch
- Culling
- cultivo de algas USE Algal culture
- cultivo de bivalvos USE Shellfish culture
- cultivo de fitoplancton USE Phytoplankton culture
- cultivo de langostino USE Shrimp culture
- cultivo de mitílidos USE Mussel culture
- cultivo de ostras USE Oyster culture
- cultivo de peces USE Fish culture
- cultivo en laboratorio USE Laboratory culture
- cultivo experimental USE Experimental culture
- cultivo microbiológico USE Microbiological culture
- Culture effects
- Culture media
- Culture tanks
- Cultured species USE Cultured organisms
- Cultures
- cuñas salinas USE Salt wedges
- Cup anemometers USE Anemometers
- Cured products
- Curing
- Curium
- Curium isotopes
- Curl (vectors)
- Curl of wind stress USE Wind stress curl
- Current charts
- Current data
- Current density
- Current direction
- Current ellipses
- Current forces
- Current marks
- Current meandering
- Cyclonic rings USE Current rings
- Current measuring methods USE Current measurement
- Current measuring equipment
- Current measuring equipment Sensors
- Current meter arrays
- Current meter data
- Current meter moorings
- Current meter vanes USE Vanes
- Current meters
- Current observations
- Current power
- Current prediction
- Current speed profiles USE Current profiles
- Current reversal
- Current roses
- Current scouring
- Current sensors
- Current shear
- Current spectra
- Current velocity
- Current vectors
- Currents (electric) USE Electric currents
- Currents (water) USE Water currents
- Curricula
- curvas de crecimiento USE Growth curves
- Curves (graphs) USE Graphs
- Cuspate forelands USE Headlands
- Customary fishing rights USE Fishing rights
- Cuticles
- Cutting
- Cutting underwater
- Cyanides
- Cycles
- Cyclic loading
- Cyclogenesis
- Cyclomorphosis
- Cyclones
- Cyclones (tropical) USE Hurricanes
- Cyclonic motion
- Cylinders
- Cylindrical structures
- Cysteine
- Cystine
- Cysts
- Cytochemistry
- Cytochromes
- Cytogenetics
- Cytokinins USE Phytohormones
- Cytoplasm
- Cytotoxicity